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Bukti Pembayaran PayPal WishList

1:30 AM Posted by Indra

Ini bukti pembayaran PayPal WishList yang diterima oleh teman saya. Silakan kunjungi saya tidak mau post di blog ini karena saya menghargai post teman saya tersebut. Yang jelas PayPal WishList benar-benar membayar.

Silakan kunjungi blog ini untuk melihat screenshot payment dari PayPal WishList.

Mendapatkan Uang di Facebook dengan Mudah

2:03 AM Posted by Indra

Ini dia program di Facebook yang lagi HOT di Facebook. Namanya PayPal WishList. Apa keuntungannya daftar program ini?
PayPal WishList adalah sebuah program affiliate dimana tugas kita hanya me-invite sebanyak banyaknya teman agar ikut program ini dan setiap teman yang daftar setelah kita invite tadi kita akan mendapatkan komisi $1.

How To Add A Url Address Bar To The Taskbar

2:24 AM Posted by Indra

You can add an Internet URL address bar to your Windows XP taskbar. Doing so will let you type in URLs and launch Web pages without first launching a browser. It will also let you launch some native Windows XP applications in much the same way as you would via the Run menu (so you could type in calc to launch the calculator or mspaint to launch Microsoft Paint. Here's how you add the address bar:

1. Right-click on the taskbar, select Toolbars, and then click Address.

2. The word Address will appear on your taskbar.

3. Double click it to access it.

4. If that doesn't work, your taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by right-clicking on the taskbar again and uncheck Lock the Taskbar.

NOTE: You may also need to grab the vertical dotted lines beside the word Address and drag it to the left to make the Address window appear.

How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites

2:24 AM Posted by Indra


1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.
5] Done!

-So- localhost

--> is now unaccessable<--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.



Online Shooting Games

5:03 PM Posted by Indra

Online shooting games bring about the aggression and killer instinct in us. The urge to protect ourselves by attacking enemies is a primal instinct. However, in a humanistic society that we dwell in, it is not acceptable to go around shooting people. Then which is the best way to vent our aggression in a harmless way? The answer comes in the form of Internet shooting games. These games give you the chance to shoot on target at animated objects and human in your computer screen.

There are a lot of advantages and benefits tied to online shooting games. For one, even professionals who are good at their game, make use of these games to improve on their strategizing and skill. These action games can vastly help in perfecting their games. As for others, these games can take relief and stress out of your system.

You can make use of these shooting free games because they improve your focus and concentration levels. A lot of people at work or play take time to go to gaming sites, choosing flash arcade games online as their preference, and stay enjoying the game to their hearts' content. Though the backdrop and rules of every game may be different, the basic focus is on take the right aim and playing the basic game very well.

There are a lot of online sites for shooting and such focus based games. You can also find online shooting games as a part of a gaming portal. Shooting games can be played from a first person perspective as well as a third person perspective. In the first person perspective, you will feel that you are part of the game; you are the hunter and the hunted, so to say. The third person perspective is such that you have higher amount of control and time to react compared to the first person game where you have to be very alert and quick.

Some of the best free shooting games include Laser Stryker, Essential Shooter, Pixel Blast and Retro Shoot. You can also play sport games online where one person is pitted against the other online and have to shoot each other dead. The single player is the one where you take an aim and shoot at the target, to win points. Compared to purchasing consoles, it is always better to play free online shooting games and derive the same amount of fun.
Here is a very cool website that offers tones of free adventure games for free.

The Future of Flight Simulator Games

4:59 PM Posted by Indra

One of the largest reasons for the sudden surge in demand of aircraft games is because animation technology and graphic design firms, and end users computers are now better equipped to give the user the exact graphical interface and physics, as it is in real aircraft. Exponential proliferation and up-gradation of hardware, introduction of better sound drivers, dedicated graphics cards, and a piles of gaming equipment has further increased the demand for flight sim games.

Ace Combat, Sky Odyssey, and Pilot wings are some of the most commonly played and popular flight simulator games to have surfaced in the last few years. Ace Combat was one of the first airplane games to include the combat feature, where two fighter planes could seek and destroy each other and battle in a dog fight, just as it may happen in a real life situation.

Technology has come leaps and bounds since Ace Combat was first released. Virtual flight schools and Internet flight simulators are all the hype these days. Flight games on the web today empower you to create your own virtual aircraft, launch your own services, fly a variety of planes ranging from passenger planes to Boeings, AirBus's and fighter jets. With the speed at which aircraft games are growing, there is an exciting future ahead of us and it will be interesting to follow the path this industry paves over the next one decade or so.

The ultimate goal of a flight simulator is to make you feel you are actually flying the plane. Only the best physics engines and graphics can do this.
After testing a lot of sims, I have found a game I believe to be the best flight simulator.

If you love flying as much as I do, you will love this flight simulator game for your PC. With over 100 aircraft, 20,000 airports, and real scenery you will never get bored.

Your Computer Take So Long to Boot Up?

4:49 PM Posted by Indra

When you install a new program, it likes to believe it is important so it puts itself in your start up folder. This makes it turn on when your computer starts up. When you get several of these, Windows is so over burdened with programs that it is super slow.

First and foremost, you must go into the Start Menu, select Run, type in "msconfig" (without the quotes), which will bring up the System Utility Configuration. Select the Start-up Tab and deselect any programs that aren't needed upon start-up. If you are unsure about a certain program, then leave it. This will greatly enhance your boot up speed as your computer is not struggling to get multiple programs started before the desktop screen even appears.

Once you have done this you can try deleting old programs that you don't use anymore by going to your Control Panel and selecting Add/Remove Programs. I just did that to my computer and noticed that I had an old video game installed that was taking up 300 MBs and I haven't used it in over 6 months!

Lastly, once you have done all of this run a Disk Defragmenter to put all of the files that naturally get spread out over time back together. To do this right click on My Computer, Properties, Tools, Defragment.

Restart and notice the amazing change in boot up speed.

If you are still experiencing problems and are still asking, "Why Does My Computer Take so Long To Boot Up?" then I would go a step further and run a virus scan on your computer to make sure that there are no malicious files present.